It was 30 years ago this summer that Gaulart & Maliclet, better known as Fast and French, opened its doors for the first time to the Holy City. Founded by artists Gwylene Gallimard and Jean-Marie Mauclet, this French jewel’s mission is to provide a hub for community enrichment and growth while providing Charleston with delicious, fresh and affordable foods reflective of worldly palates. The utilization of community tables throughout the restaurant creates an air of informality that allows for making new friends and easy conversation. Their menu features a daily special which includes the exclusive dish of the day with your choice of beverage for $9.25, perfect for when you’re on the go. However, if you are in the mood for a lazy dining experience perfect for families and friends alike, their Fondue Night every Thursday evening is sure to fit the bill. Food for Thought: My “On the Go” Meal*: A Turkey Croq’ Monsieur with a Dr. Brown’s Diet Cream Soda. *Add A Combination of French Cheeses & Pate for a more complete French meal. Bon appétit!